April 30th

Posted April 30, 2024

Dear Swigert Families,

Here we go as we jump into all the craziness of May. I wanted to highlight two community wide events coming up this week. We are so excited to celebrate our 7th annual International Night on Thursday as well as come together for our Spring Auction on Saturday night. We look forward to seeing and connecting with you all. 

International Night
Yay, it’s our 6th Annual Swigert International Night. This evening is a celebration of our school diversity- a way to honor, celebrate, and learn about the diverse cultures represented at our school as well as share the harvest from our school garden. Students will be invited to wear outfits that celebrate their culture during the day and to the event. Students will harvest lettuce from our community garden during the day and it will be part of a salad bar that evening. Please bring a dish to enjoy with your family. At the event we will have so many awesome activities and presentations- from students performing Bollywood Dancing and Mexican Folk Dancing to African Drumming and Taiko Japanese Drumming. Please see details here: International Night Details

Swigert Auction 2024 
Our spring auction this year is going to be so much fun! We so appreciate all the support families bring and share with our school community- from spending time doing Friday folders, sharing your career path or asking your kids about their inquiry interests at home. Your incredibly generous financial support truly supports so many critically important things at Swigert- including our International Baccalaureate Program, funding training, our Spanish program and IB coordinator. We also use funds for additional para professional support and social emotional staffing. It makes such a big difference for us, so thank you. 

A huge shout out to our auction committee, they have put in countless hours of time and energy into making this evening happen. Thank you so much to Anna Moles, Francine Mugge, Allison Owen, Cara Bayern, Rosie Bellville, Andrea Buckett, Christina Either, Ashley Fallhowe, and Emily Carter.The location is Upper Larimer and word on the street is that our very own second grade teacher, Mr. Ziegler will be the DJ and Mr. Dane (parent of an ECE and first grader, married to our awesome IB coordinator, Caroline) will be our homegrown auctioneer. Get your dancing shoes or boots ready. If you haven’t already, get your tickets today at https://e.givesmart.com/events/Bj2/?isOrderFormActive=true. I look forward to seeing you there. Swigert Auction 

Just a reminder, Swigert does not have school on Friday. We will be using that day for class placement as well as planning our last 5 weeks of school. Please reach out with any questions or clarifications. 

Have a wonderful day. 

Shelby Dennis

Information for the 2024-2025 School Year:

Swigert Calendar for 2024-2025 

Bell Times:
Our bell times will remain the same for the 2024-2025 school year. DPS was not able to shift our bus times for the morning shift so we will continue to host the morning bus riders in the library for next year. Please see the information on this page on our website and reach out with any questions. 

Summer Connections:
Check out this free five week program sponsored by Denver Public Schools for rising first through 5th graders.  Summer Connections Information 
2024 Class Placement Process:
As a staff, we start the class placement process in May for the following school year, and there are many factors that we consider.   We will use part of the green day May 3rd for this important process. Grade level teachers, administrators, and our mental health team work together to decide on the best placement for every child. We know your child well, and consider things such as kids who might benefit from being in class together, kids who may need to be separated, academic needs, and social/emotional needs. We also try to balance classes as far as gender, diversity, etc. We ask that you please trust the process. We know your children well and we will very thoughtfully place them with whom we think is best. The school policy is that we do not take teacher requests from parents. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the admin team.

Reach out with any questions! 
Shelby Dennis

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Event Images – Browse 25,344 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

May 2nd: International Night,  6-8 pm 
A celebration of our school diversity. A way to honor, celebrate, and learn about the diverse cultures represented at our school as well as share the harvest from our school garden. We will have different multicultural activities and performances as well as have family picnics on the field. There will be lettuce from our garden to share. 

May 3rd : Green Day – no school for students.

May 4th: Swigert Auction 
This is a wonderful way to meet families, talk to our staff, enjoy delicious food and have fun together as a community. It is also one of our largest fundraisers and helps to support our school wide IB program, para professionals and spanish. For more information check out this link: Swigert Auction- Spring Fling

May 6th – Early Bird registration opens
For details and a step-by-step walk through of how to register your student for new year, go here: https://swigert.dpsk12.org/registration-2024-25/

May 6th – 10th – Teacher Appreciation Week
Please see the infographic below

May 10th: Service Day
This will be our 6th annual service day. We start the day with a whole school assembly and invite speakers to share about the importance of giving back. After the assembly each grade level partners with a different non-profit to do a community service project including Project Angel Heart, Balfor, There with Care, Bin Blessed. We also do some grounds projects around our school. Parents are welcome to come lend a helping hand (details to come).

May 16th – Kindergarten Round-Up
An opportunity for our new to Swigert kindergarten families to get information about kindergarten and let our kinder teachers meet the new faces.

May 17th: Swigert Field Day
Mr. Shutts organizes a day where all students participate in a variety of activities; including but not limited to relay races, hurdles, shoe toss, tug a war and water games. We split the day into two and ECE-2 goes in the morning beginning at 8:30 and 3-5 in the afternoon beginning at 12:30. Parents are welcome to come watch. May 17th: 5th Grade Dance, details TBD

May 22nd: New Family Information Night for 1st-5th grade new families 
An opportunity for any new families to learn about the year ahead. We will meet together in the library at 6pm. We will do Q&A at the end.

May 23rd: ECE4 New Family Info Night
An opportunity for ECE families to learn about the year ahead. You can sign up for a one hour time spot. We will meet together in The Nest for an admin presentation and then you will spend 30 minutes in the class with your child!

May 27th: No School, Memorial Day

May 31st 2:50-Second Annual Swigert Alumni Walk Through:
Celebrate our High School Graduates- Swigert alums  from different schools across the metro area will walk through the school with their caps/gowns and celebrated with  a clap through. Families welcome.

June 4th: 5th Grade Exhibition and Continuation 
Swigert Fifth grade students will share their culminating IB exhibition projects to the community and then we will have a continuation ceremony to honor fifth grade students.

June 5th: 5th Grade Clap Out
All ECE-4th grade students and 5th grade parents will join us to clap the 5th graders out of Swigert and on to middle school- It’s a pretty emotional event. The clap out will begin around 11:50 am. 

June 5th: ½ Day Last Day of School 
The last day of school is a noon dismissal. No lunch is served.

Spirit Week!

Help us celebrate auction week with the remaining spirit days this week:

Wednesday May 1: Wacky Hat Wednesday (get creative and make anything a hat)

Thursday May 2: Celebrate your Culture (in honor of International Night) 

Friday May 3: NO SCHOOL


International Night!

Reminders for International Night which is this Thursday from 6-8pm:
– wear your cultural dress, if interested
– stay with your family
– no running anywhere inside, including the gym
– if you need to run and climb, go outside to the playground for a bit
– be quiet and courteous when entering a performance space
– bathrooms are near the cafeteria
– please bring a dish to share and your own dishes/cutlery/drinks
– all food must stay in the cafeteria
– no alcohol on campus
– have a great time!

Teacher Appreciation Week

Monday – Soda and Snacks in the Lounge
Tuesday – Breakfast Burritos and Coffee
Wednesday – Sweet treats and cards
Thursday – Bagels and Coffee Cart
Friday – Chipotle lunch and aprez school Gift Bags

**Parents, please have your student(s) create a card or note for their teachers on Wednesday, May 8th**


Service Day

We are getting so excite for our 6th annual Service Day! We will start the day with a whole school assembly and invite speakers to share about the importance of giving back. This year we will have Mayor Johnston spearheading the event.

After the assembly, each grade level partners with a different non-profit to do a community service project! This year our partners include Project Angel Heart, There with Care, and our 4th graders will be making migrant/refugee snack bags.

Our 5th graders have a variety of causes that they will be off campus for: Denver Dumb Friends League, Urban Farm, Bluff Lake Nature Preserve, SPREE (South Platte river environmental education), Clayton Early Learning Center, Wee Cycle, and Rescued Friends Animal Sanctuary

Parents are welcome to come lend a helping hand!

5th Grade Dance



Early Bird Registration Opens May 6th!

Early bird DPS registration opens May 6th through the 24th. For full details on how to register, go here: https://swigert.dpsk12.org/registration-2024-25/

Reach out to Daphne Jolley or Emily Pool with questions or to get your student’s ID number to create a parent portal!

Kiss ‘N Go lane

Swigert has Kiss ‘n Go lanes on both the east and west side of the school. These areas, indicated with a yellow curb, are designed for parents who want to quickly pull into the parking lot, let their kids out, and then continue on to work. We are also struggling with the lack of parking due to the construction at our neighbor, United Airlines. Please do not double park in the parking lot. We can also utilize the bus lane (on the Syracuse side) for drop off in the morning because our morning buses have already dropped off by 7:50. There is often parking in the Sam’s Club parking lot if you need to park and pick up. If you would like to have a longer stop, please go ahead and pull into a parking space and do not park behind a car in a designated space. Thank you for understanding.

SAC (School Accountability Committee) Election

One way to become involved at Swigert is to join the SAC committee. The monthly meetings are OPEN to everyone to attend and provide information or input on important issues at school. For more information about SAC, check out the link on our website here- SAC 

While the meetings are open, there are some designated elected positions. The SAC (School Accountability Committee) is holding elections for two parent representative openings for 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, please submit a short blurb (one paragraph) about yourself, including why you think you would be a great addition to our SAC committee to Shelby at Shelby_Dennis@dpsk12.net by April 26th. If you have questions about SAC please reach out to our current SAC President, Amy Hladik at aallenba@yahoo.com. Voting will be held via an online ballot by the Swigert community and will end on May 3, 2024. 

5th Grade families: 

We’re starting to work on the video that will be played at the ceremony. We would love to get from every family a baby/toddler/younger picture of your child and then a more current 5th grade one to be used in the video. 

You can upload them to this google drive: 5th Grade Continuation Photos
– Click on the drive clink.
– Click on your teacher’s name
– Click +New
– Then click File Upload

You can also feel free to email them to me if that’s easier at emily_pool@dpsk12.net.

We will also need help on the day of Tuesday, June 4th to help with decorating the gym, setting up a photo area, picking up cupcakes, and a few other things. If you could offer an hour or two of help, please consider signing up here and I’ll be in touch as the day gets closer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CA4A92DA3FAC25-49011106-5thgrade

New Family Welcome Events

We have lots of events this spring to help welcome all our new families for the fall. See below for links to all the details!

ECE Round-Up information

Kinder Round-Up Information

1st-5th Grade New Families Information 

Discovery Link for Next Year

If you will be needing Discovery Link for before or after school care for the ’24-’25 school year, registration for that opens on May 17th at 6am. You can get more details about that HERE 

Swigert at the Rapids

Swigert International friends, families, and community are invited to Swigert Fundraising Night, where you will receive special discounted ticket pricing for the Rapids home match on Saturday, May 25th and June 15th. Use our link to purchase tickets. Select section 112 or 113.


We’d love to connect with you as much as possible. You will be automatically added to our weekly Swigert Eagle newsletter that comes out every Tuesday during the school year. Please also visit our website at www.swigert.dpsk12.org to learn more about Swigert and events that are coming up. You can also join our “Friends of Swigert International School” private Facebook page – www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofswigert. When requesting to join, please include a note to say you are a new family. We post pictures of events at school, interact as a school family, and you can see friendly reminders of upcoming events. Who to contact if you have questions about:

Instruction, Programing, etcShelby Dennis
Amber Holthus-Pera    
Daily School LifeEmily PoolEmily_Pool@dpsk12.net
RegistrationDaphne JolleyDjolley@dpsk12.net
Technology and eventsRichard FisherRichard_Fisher@dpsk12.net
HealthNurse Hoang TranHoang_Tran@dpsk12.net
IB Program, Service Learning   Caroline DaneCaroline_Dane@dpsk12.net
Swigert PTACortney Dickeypresident@swigertpta.com

Key Dates
May 2nd – International Night
May 3rd – No School
May 4th – Auction!
May 10th – Service Day
May 16th – Kindergarten Round-Up
May 17th – Field Day
May 17th – 5th Grade Dance
May 20, 21, 22 – Scholastic BOGO Book Fair
May 22nd – New Family Info Night (1st-5th Grade)
May 23rd – ECE Round-Up
May 27th – No School, Memorial Day
June 4th – 5th Grade Exhibition and Continuation
June 5th – 5th Grade Clap Out, Early Dismissal for all 12pm, LAST DAY!