There is a 2 hour delay for Tuesday, January 21st. School will start at 10:10am.

Registration 2024-25

see/download flyer HERE

All Students

Welcome to Swigert! Registration is the annual process of updating student and family information including emergency contacts, health information and more.

Select one of the windows available to register your students(s) online for 2024-2025:

The “Early Bird” Window: May 6-24

Regular Window: July 29th

Click here for frequently asked questions and registration guides:

Step 1: Complete Online Registration

  1. Go to Parent Portal 
  2. Type in username and password to log in. If you do not have a parent portal username and password, create an account using your student’s ID number (you can email Daphne Jolley ( or Emily Pool ( for this number if you don’t have it.
  3. At the top left, click on “see all apps” (the second tab from the left)
  4. Scroll to the very bottom, middle and click on “online registration”
  5. That will take you to Infinite Campus with a green bar across the top
  6. On the far left menu, at the very bottom, click on “more”
  7. Then click on the 9th option down is “online registration” and that should take your to your child’s screen for you to complete registration
  8. Whew you did it!
  9. Questions about registration can be sent to Daphne Jolley ( or Emily Pool (

Step 2: Medical Form/Plan: If your child has allergies or a medical condition, please have the child’s medical professional complete the appropriate health form(s). 

Step 3: New to DPS: If your student is new to Denver Public Schools (ECE, kindergarten or transferring from private school or outside of the district), please complete the Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ). 

Step 4: Submit Documents/Forms: To submit requested documents/forms or if you have any questions, e-mail Daphne Jolley at Be sure to include your child’s name in the subject line of the email. 

ECE4 Students Only

In the weeks leading up to the new school year, ECE families will receive an email from DPS with directions to access a google drive shared folder. The below requested documents must be saved with the correct title in your child’s shared folder. 

Directions: Please fill out the following forms and “save as” with your student’s full name and the title of the document. 

Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ)
HLQ – English
HLQ – Spanish
Other languages frequently spoken in DPS

Other Required ECE forms

The forms to complete include:

These forms (included in the link) are for parents/guardians to keep: