PTA Corner 9.21.21

Posted September 21, 2021

Raised hands graphic

Thank you so much to our community for the generous involvement in the Swigert Gives Drive last week. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. What a wildly successful drive! It was so much fun seeing all the kids dressed for Spirit Week, I loved all the photos! It was also so wonderful to see and meet so many families at Sunday’s celebration at the Stanley Beer Hall. A huge thank you to Erin Dormier and Katie Rustici for all they did to put on such a wonderful giving week.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for tomorrow nights Dine and Donate at Pizzeria Locale! A portion of all food sold will go back to benefit our Swigert Eagles!

The PTA is excited to see families at our next event, The Monster Mash on October 8th! This will be a family event at the Swigert playground/field from 5:30 to 7:30 to celebrate fall! We will have lots of games and activities for the kiddos!