The Eagle Post – September 28th

Posted September 28, 2021

Dennis headshot

Good afternoon Swigert Families,

As a school community we are investing more resources and time in our social emotional programming to address the whole child as well as address increasing mental health needs we are seeing as our kids navigate this pandemic. Kim Irk, our awesome School Psychologist, has been spearheading the school wide initiatives, including restorative justice practices and the Zones of Regulation and I wanted to share them with you. Please take a moment to review this presentation below as there are ideas and ways for you to support some of the practices at home – strengthening that important connection for kids from school to home. This week we are finishing our initial role out of the Zones of Regulation, it helps students identify how they are feeling and what tools they might need for support. You might hear your kids talking about being in a yellow or blue zone.

Swigert Social Emotional 

Parent Letter


Feelings Zone graphic

Principal Coffee and Conversation

I am hosting a virtual coffee on Friday, October 8th  at 9:30am and would love to cater the conversation to items you are interested in learning more about. Please fill out this short survey to indicate any topics you would like covered

Topic input form


Shelby Dennis

Current Family Open House

We are so excited to be able to start welcoming adults into the building! Before we start tours for the next year, we want to give our current families a chance to walk through the building. We are hosting two CURRENT family open houses for you to be able to walk the building with your student. They will be open house style (no guided tours), come anytime during these hours, look around your student’s classroom and take a peek in the specials rooms. We ask that all adults be vaccinated and everyone masked. Siblings are welcome.

Saturday, October 9th from 9-11am

Monday, October 11th from 5-7pm

Please reach out to Emily Pool with any questions.


Swigert parents and guardians,

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 9/29), the district will be holding a mandatory Lockout/Lockdown drill at some point during the day. We know these drills can be overwhelming and scary for some of our students, and we wanted to make sure all parents & guardians are aware this will be happening tomorrow. Our staff is also aware and will be providing support and direction to our students, and will emphasize the fact that this is just a drill.

Thank you for your support!


Yearbooks are now for sale! To order, go to (Swigert-Hard for the hardcover options; Swigert-Soft for the softcover option) or use the order form (attached as a PDF or Word Doc) and return with cash (exact change only please) or check to the front office or in your child’s Friday folder. If returning by Friday folder, please email the office so we know to look for it!

The earlybird pricing (good through October 31st) is $21.25 for softcover or $26.25 for hardcover. That price goes up to $26.25/$31.25 on November 1st, rises again on December 1st to $31.25/$36.25, and goes to the full price of $36.25/$41.25 on January 3rd until they’re sold out.

October Menu

Please see the attached menu for October. It says Westerly Creek because Schoolcafe still mistakenly shows the high school menu for Swigert. Please note: the kitchen staff comes as close to this menu as they can with ongoing food and labor shortages. We will try to keep you updated with any changes as soon as we know about them.

The menu for the rest of the week is:

Wednesday: Beef Burrito/Bean Burrito/PB&J
Thu: Lemon Chicken/Cheesy Breadsticks/PB&J
Fri: Mac & Cheese/Broccoli & Cheese Baked Potato/PB&J

If your child has a peanut allergy and needs Wow butter, please be sure you’ve completed the attached Meal Modification Form. Food & Nutrition Services requires this form even if you have an allergy/anaphylaxis form on file.

Planting Seeds

Please join us for our next Planting Seeds equity workshop:

Planting Seeds: Supporting Our Asian-American Students, Part 2
Monday, October 4, 2021
6:30-8:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 5341 9375
Passcode: 3LHfeJ

In May, Planting Seeds workshop participants identified a variety of questions and possible next steps for supporting our Asian-American students at Swigert. This workshop is open to everyone, even if you did not attend in May. We hope that Asian-American parents, caregivers, and staff–and allies of all backgrounds–will join us.

The workshop will explore:

1. What are our Asian-American students experiencing at Swigert?
2. How can we support our Asian-American students?
3. What can non-Asian students and staff do to be allies?

If you haven’t yet seen the Embrace Race webinar titled, “Violence Against Asian Americans: How Do We Support The Children?” (viewed during Part 1 of the workshop), it can be found here:

Please reach out to Shelby Dennis with any questions at

Swigert Art Shows

Mark your calendar!

3rd, 4th & 5th Grade

Dec 1 & 2
In-person in the Swigert main hall
Masks required

3, 4, 5 Sign-up required:

K, 1st & 2nd

March 2 & 3

4:30-6:30pm  In-person in the Swigert main hall
Masks required 

Sign-up required: Sign up link will be published at a later date

Key Dates

Oct 4th Planting Seeds
Oct 8th Monster Mash
Oct 9th Open House 9-11am
Oct 11th Open House 5-7pm