The Eagle Post – October 4th

Posted October 4, 2022

Dear Swigert Families, 

Have your children ever shared that they  were in  the green zone or  used the language from a bug and a wish to express an apology or need?  We have implemented a few consistent social emotional programs across Swigert including Zones of Regulation and restorative practices- including four part apologies and a bug and a  wish.  One of our responses from the pandemic is to  put more attention to students’ social emotional needs and increasing our social emotional supports. Swigert has a full time school psychologist and dedicated  primary social emotional support staff to do intentional social emotional lessons in classes, lunch bunches, and relationship building.  For more information on our social emotional programming look here- SwigertSEL  Please join Kim Irk, our school psychologist and myself on Friday at 8:20 – after drop off in the music room to learn more about social emotional supports at Swigert. 


Shelby Dennis

Swigert Staff Highlight of the Week:

Learn a little more about Swigert’s Social Emotional Learning Support, Sylvia Hernandez.

I am Ms. Silvia, born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I graduated from Metropolitan State University of Denver with my Masters in Social Work in 2020. This is my 3rd year here at Swigert and the staff and families have made me feel at home ever since I started. I am a very family oriented person so I love to spend time with my husband and daughter. I also love to eat, hike, travel, and read. Whenever possible we love to go to Mexico and explore the beautiful towns. Here is a picture of my family and I in Mexico over the summer. 

Speech and Language Services

Denver Public Schools shared last week that due to shortages across the district we are transferring our speech and language pathologist to another school.   This position is placed by the district. Elissa has been serving our students for two years now and we are sad to lose her and disappointed that our students will not have services in the interim.  Please see attached letter and reach out to Laci Hathcock if you have any questions- her email is

DPS Letter- Speech Services

Picture Retakes

If you want picture retakes, head to the Bloom dashboard and sign up. They will be held after school on Wednesday, October 26th from 4-5pm and will be by pre-registration only.

Paraprofessional Position

Swigert currently has an opening for a Special Education Paraprofessional position. This would include working closely with one student who has special needs throughout the day. Please email me directly at if you are interested or know someone who is interested. Thank you! 


As a part of the music curriculum, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are learning to play the soprano recorder. The 3rd grade classes are starting their recorder unit now. The 4th and 5th grade classes will have their recorder units later this year. We have found that many parents like to purchase the recorders so students can practice at home as well as at school. We will be ordering 3-piece Yamaha recorders. Each recorder (including shipping) costs $5.00.

Students may also wish to purchase a copy of Recorder Express for $6.00. This book is supplemental to the work the students are doing in class.

Here are some helpful practice hints:

  1. Cover all the holes tightly- leaks lead to squeaks!
  2. Left on top-forget me not!
  3. Blow gently with “warm” air.

If you choose to purchase a recorder, sign into your account at From there, click on “Products,” then “Recorders-Swigert.” You will have the option to choose a recorder alone (standard), recorder and book, or book alone. Your student will receive their recorder during music class.

If you would like a recorder for your student but are unable to afford one at this time, please contact Krystie in the front office.

Thank you for your continued support of your child’s creativity in music!


Middle School Tours

Tour season is starting to ramp up for DPS School Choice. We’d love to support our 5th grade families in any way we can as you start to tour middle schools. We have made a webpage with the 6 Central Park enrollment schools with links to their tour sign ups. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help find the answers for!

Trunk or Treat

Come join us for a ghoulishly fun time! Swigert’s Trunk or Treat will take place Friday, October 28th from 5-6:30 pm in the West parking lot.  This is a great time to show your creative side. We are looking for volunteers to provide a decorated trunk with treats for kids. We will also be hosting a candy drive to help supply candy and allergy-safe treats to all the kiddos.  If you’re interested in decorating the trunk of your car, you can sign up here.

DPS Survey

Have your voice heard by DPS! Take the “Your Voice” Survey by this Sunday, October 3rd. Please see the attached flyers in English or Spanish for the QR code to link to the survey.

Planting Seeds Committee Kick Off

The Planting Seeds Committee is a diverse group of Swigert parents, caregivers and staff members committed to further embedding International Mindedness, diversity and equity in our school’s work. The Committee meets once a month for an hour. Please join us for our kick-off meeting on Wednesday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will set the monthly dates based on group members’ calendars. Please RSVP here.

5th Grade Cover Contest 

The Yearbook Cover Contest is back! This year’s theme is “Out of this World.” Please see the attached rules and the example from last year’s yearbook for a student-drawn front-only cover, or the example from 20-21 for a Digitally-created example. .


Plastic Containers Needed

We have a bunch of arts integration painting projects throughout the year and we are in need of square or round plastic containers for water. Please bring in any that you have in the next couple of weeks. 🙂 




Northfield Boys’ Soccer Fundraiser

On 10/18 Northfield Boys’ Soccer Team will be hosting an IN-N-Out (16-wheeler) Hamburger truck at Northfield High School from 3 pm-5 pm.
75% of proceeds will go towards the Boys Soccer Team and 25% will towards IN-N-Out “Help Us Prevent Child Abuse” Foundation.
We have only 2 weeks to presell – 800 tickets at $10 each which includes Hamburger/Chips/drink (the price of food!!!).

Please see the attached flyer. To order, go to