The Eagle Post – September 19th

Posted September 19, 2023

Dear Swigert Families,

As a school community we are investing more resources and time in our social emotional programming to address the whole child as well as the increasing mental health needs we are seeing in our students. I wanted to share our social emotional school wide programing and provide information on the BESS (Behavioral and Emotional Screening System)- a district wide screening process for identifying the social emotional needs of our students. Most recently, the BESS has been incorporated into our district wide long term safety plan as introduced by Dr. Marrerro. This plan states that all students (ECE-12th grade) will be screened three times per year (fall, winter, spring) using two forms. In the past years we have done this screening twice a year for grades 3-5 only. However, this has changed as outlined above. Our first window for the screener will be now to October 13th. 

What do you need to do as a parent? 

ECE-2nd grade: Please take a moment to fill out the BESS-parent version on behalf of your student(s). You will find a flier with the QR code that you can scan to complete the BESS-parent version here. Students in this grade level will not complete the self-report version due to age restrictions. As stated above, all students will be screened using two forms. Since students in this age group are too young to complete the self-report measure, their classroom teacher will also complete the BESS-teacher version on their behalf. 

3rd-5th grade: The parent portion of the BESS is optional for this age group. However, your student(s) will complete the self-report version of this screener. Your student’s teacher will also complete the BESS-teacher version on your student’s behalf. These are the ‘two forms’ (self-report and teacher) that the district is requiring for this age group. If you would like to also complete the parent version of the BESS it is completely optional, but can be found here

All parents: Still have questions about how the BESS works? Please reference this FAQ document. Additionally, fliers with the QR code for the parent version of the BESS will be posted on exterior doors and in the front office.

At the school level, Kim Irk, our awesome School Psychologist, works with our staff to implement school wide practices. These practices focus on supporting students in understanding their feelings and providing language and tools to support emotional regulation. Some of our Tier 1/universal practices include restorative justice practices (4-part apology, age appropriate conflict resolution practices), implementing Second Steps lessons as needed, and utilizing the Zones of Regulation curriculum in every classroom. You might hear your kids saying they are in the “Blue Zone” or the “Red Zone” and wondering what that means. This is all part of the Zones of Regulation curriculum which helps students identify how they are feeling and what tools/strategies they might need for emotional regulation. Every classroom incorporates various ways for students to check in with these zones and includes a ‘regulation station’ area if a student needs to take some time to implement tools and strategies to help them with their own emotional regulation throughout the day.  See more details here:

You can view Ms. Irk’s presentation on our current student supports here – there are ideas and ways for you to support some of the practices at home- strengthening that important connection of school and home working together as a team. On our website we also include specific information on our social emotional programming as well as a presentation we did last year on student anxiety – Swigert Social Emotional Supports. I know this is a lot so let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.

Head Shaving Event

September is also Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We have students at Swigert who have or are battling cancer and we wanted to put a plug in for a special event coming up to support one of our students and her battle with cancer. Pippa is one of our first grade students who is such a gem in our daily world, spreading positivity, love and light. Team Pippa will be hosting a heading shaving event to support St. Baldricks. All the proceeds go to fighting childhood cancer, please see details Event and below. 

Shelby Dennis

Attendance Reporting

This year, there are three ways to report attendance. You can still email the office or call the attendance line at 720-424-4740. New for this year, you can also report an absence through the online portal. From Parent Portal, go to Infinite Campus/IC; then click on the menu waffle and select more, then select absence requests. Please note that if the office marks a student’s excuse after 9:30 AM, parents will still get the auto-dialer saying we need to know why the student is absent.

If you get a call saying that your student is absent when you believe them to be at school, please do not call the attendance line; after 9:30 AM, it is rarely checked throughout the day. Instead, please call the office directly at 720-424-4802 so you can confirm attendance immediately.

No School September 22nd

This Friday is a planning day for teachers. There is no school for students!

Team Pippa & the BALD Eagles

You can be a hero for kids with cancer! Join us after school on October 2nd, for our 2nd annual Team Pippa & the BALD Eagles head shaving event! Pippa is in Mrs. Hopper’s first grade class and is currently receiving chemotherapy that makes her lose her hair. You can help raise awareness and funding for childhood cancer research by signing up to have your head shaved on October 2nd! If shaving your head isn’t your thing, don’t worry! There are a few different ways you can show your support for Pippa and other children fighting cancer. Sign up in advance to shave your head here! The second half of the event will be open for day of participants.

1.) Sign up to get your head shaved at the event! We have 2 professional barbers that will be there to shave heads! (recommended donation: $10)  

2.) Donate to make a bracelet during the event (beads and elastic will be provided recommended donation between $2- $5)

3.) Enter the Childhood Cancer Awareness Ribbon coloring contest (recommended donation is $1.00). September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so during the remainder of the month, we will have ribbons to color and decorate on your own time. You can get as creative as you’d like with these! All ribbons will be due the morning of October 2nd so the winner can be announced after school at the event. 

We take pride in the “give-back-whenever-you-can” spirit that our Swigert community embraces. All proceeds from the event will go to St. Baldrick’s. Our event will speed the search for cures, supporting the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants. Research is hope, and you can give kids that hope.

Sign up to shave your head, to raise money another way, or just come show your support by being there with a smile and encouragement for Pippa, the bravest girl with biggest heart and her incredible family.
Full details and more picture from last year here:

Welcome to Our Newest Eaglet

Please welcome our newest Eaglet – Evelyn Virginia Miller – born 9-12-23 at 9:15 pm, 7lbs and 7 oz, 21.5 inches. Congratulations to our STEM teacher, Mr. Miller and his wife!

Lost and Found

Please make sure that all items that your kids bring to school are labeled with their name.  We are already starting to accumulate a large collection of lunch boxes, water bottles and sweatshirts.  We do try to check items for names and deliver them when we can, but many of the items are not labeled.  There are some great options available at a variety of retailers if you wish to purchase labels, including Mabel’s Labels.  Swigert actually gets a portion of the proceeds if you purchase your labels here.  The link is below!

The lost and found is located near the water fountain outside of the cafeteria.  Please check there if you have missing items.  Also, this year we will try to bring lost and found items around the blacktop on Friday afternoons.  Look for one of the admin team members with the lost and found cart!  

Math Team

Introducing the Swigert Noetics Math Team!

Calling all math aficionados! This year Swigert will form its first Noetics Math Team for qualifying students in grades 3rd – 5th. The Noetics Math Program is dedicated to high-quality mathematics that has a unique problem solving approach which harnesses students’ creativity and logical reasoning skills. You can learn more here. Interested students will be invited to take a qualifying test the first week in October. The top eight students in each grade will be on the team and will participate in a weekly Noetics pull-out group with our GT Coordinator, Mrs. Bresnahan. They will participate in a fall and spring contest here at Swigert, and a Brain Bowl at Westerly Creek in February. The group will meet on Fridays from 2:30 – 3:10. If your child does not want to miss Friday Fun or often leaves early for ski trips on Fridays, this may not be the team for him/her. Contact Mrs. Bresnahan with questions at

DPS BOE Candidate Forum Tonight

On Tuesday, Nov. 7 voters in Denver will participate in an election featuring local and statewide issues.   

One key item on the ballot will be an open at large seat on the Denver Public Schools Board of Education.  

Central Park United Neighbors and the Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities are hosting a candidate forum on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 6-7:30 p.m.  

RSVP to attend in-person, or obtain zoom information here:

Location: The Cube (8371 Northfield Blvd).

The event will be live-streamed in webinar format, with a recording available on-line on CPUN’s youtube channel:

All four candidates will attend:  
Paul Ballenger:
Brittni Johnson:
Kwame Spearman:
John Younquest:

FB event:

Free Experience Dyslexia Simulation

Free Experience Dyslexia Simulation: October, 8, 2023, 10:30 am -12:30 pm
3239 E 2nd Ave, Denver, CO 80206

In recognition of Dyslexia Awareness Month, DenCoKID is excited to be able to offer a free simulation to the Denver community. Participants will experience some of the challenges and frustrations faced by people with attention, processing and language-based learning differences. Participants are guided through learning tasks commonly encountered in the classroom or workplace. This empathy-building experience benefits everyone, including parents, guardians, grandparents, caregivers, educators, principals, students, coaches, employers, clergy, and anyone with an interest in dyslexia or learning differences. Light refreshments will be provided and childcare for school-aged children is available upon request via email. Space is limited so RSVP today at

Yearbook Cover Contest

This year’s Yearbook Theme is “Swigert Takes Flight.” The Annual Cover Contest, open to all 5th Grade students, is open now through Friday, September 29th. Please see the attached rules, as well as the examples:

Front Ony (with words)
Front Only (artwork only)
Full Cover

Direct Giving Party

Swigert’s Direct Giving Week will take place the first week of October this year! More information to come on Spirit Week, our 2nd Annual Color Run, and why we hold an annual Direct Giving Week. In the meantime, book your babysitters now because you won’t want to miss the adults-only kick-off party on September 29th!

WHO: ALL Swigert Parents, Teachers, and Staff
WHAT: A Casual Backyard Cocktail Party
WHERE: The Weldon Family Home 10194 E. 60th Pl.
WHEN: Friday, September 29th 6-9 PM
COST: Sponsored by the PTA, this event is FREE TO ALL

Science Fair Help Needed

The Science Fair is coming back to Swigert (YAY!!). We are looking for 4-5 volunteers to join our science fair committee. The commitment will include attending meetings once a month, plus being there on the day of the fair (As of now March 15) to help setup.

 If you are interested or have any questions please email Ms.Racha:


We’d love to connect with you as much as possible. You will be automatically added to our weekly Swigert Eagle newsletter that comes out every Tuesday during the school year. Please also visit our website at to learn more about Swigert and events that are coming up. You can also join our “Friends of Swigert International School” private Facebook page – When requesting to join, please include a note to say you are a new family. We post pictures of events at school, interact as a school family, and you can see friendly reminders of upcoming events. Who to contact if you have questions about:

Instruction, Programing, etcShelby DennisAmber Holthus-Pera   
Daily School LifeEmily
Technology and eventsRichard
HealthNurse Hoang
IB Program, Service Learning   Caroline
Swigert PTACortney

Key Dates

September 21 –  Swigert Summer Reading Celebration 
September 22 – NO SCHOOL, Professional Development Day
September 29 – Swigert Gives Direct Giving Party
October 2 – Diversity & Inclusion Meeting
October 2 – Team Pippa & the BALD Eagles
October 2-6 – Spirit Week!
October 2 – Parent and Family Inclusion Committee
October 6 – Color Run!
October 12-16 – No school for students
October 27 – Halloween Parade, classroom parties and PTA Trunk or Treat
October 31 – Halloween (no costumes or parties, students can dress in orange and black)