Innovation Zone Update

Posted May 10, 2024

May 9, 2024 

Swigert Families,

I wanted to give you an update regarding our Innovation Zone and next steps for Swigert. Swigert is an innovation school which provides important flexibilities for our school around budget, how we use our professional learning time, calendar and programming. These flexibilities really allow us to be an International Baccalaureate School. We have been an innovation school since our inception 12 years ago. Our innovation plan was approved last June and remains in place for the next three years. 

Six years ago we became part of an Innovation Zone- NDIZ which provided a unique governing model and collaboration with a group of schools within our geographic area. NDIZ is sunsetting June 1st, please read this letter from the NDIZ Board regarding this decision. You can also see their full letter below.

Given these changes, Swigert is now determining our next steps. There are two options moving forward. One is to fold back into Denver Public Schools governance model as an innovation school.  Second, is to join an existing innovation zone, the Luminary Learning Network- LLN.  

Below is a timeline of events as we move forward and explore our options.

  • Friday, May 9, 2024: Expansion Proposal Draft Written
  • Monday, May 13th: Executive Director of the LLN, Bailey Holyfield, will discuss LLN with Swigert staff and answer questions 
  • Wednesday, May 15th: Swigert Staff will discuss at staff meeting 
  • Friday, May 17th: Proposal posted publicly 
  • Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28th and May 29th: Staff and SAC Vote on joining LLN
  • Thursday, June 13th: DPS School Board Vote on Swigert joining LLN

Let me know if you have any questions or clarifications, I know it’s a lot to process. You are welcome to join the Monday afternoon question and answer session with the LLN to learn more. We will be meeting in the library at 3:30. I will keep you updated on any news or next steps, thank you for your support and advocacy. 
Shelby Dennis