Fall ECE4 families please read!

Posted January 14, 2025

There are important changes to the ECE application process for the 2025-26 school year. 

  • Those applying for ECE-4 must complete a Universal Preschool Colorado (UPK) application and a DPS SchoolChoice application, however, the school match will come from UPK. This is a change from the last several years when DPS made the matches.

DPS SchoolChoice Round 1 opens at 10 a.m. on Jan. 15 and closes at 4 p.m. on Feb. 18. In order to ensure families can submit their UPK and SchoolChoice applications, we recommend that they submit both by Feb. 3. 

  1. Visit upk.colorado.gov to complete a UPK application.
  • If your student does not have an IEP, make your school selections. 
  • If your student has an IEP, the application will guide you to submit your application without making school selections. 
  1. Visit dpsschoolchoice.my.site.com to complete a DPS SchoolChoice application. 
  • Select “Universal Preschool Colorado” as your school selection. Applicants will not make school selections in the DPS SchoolChoice application. DPS will support applicants with an IEP in selecting a school at a later time.

For help, we suggest reaching out to UPK as of now:

Online: Help.UPK.Colorado.Gov
Email: universalpreschool@state.co.us
Phone: 303-866-5223, available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

****We’re a little worried about how the new system will be tracking and matching up our siblings. Could you please email Hannah (hannah_bickford@dpsk12.net) to let us know you have a 4 year old by October 1 and are hoping for an ECE 4 spot this fall so that we have an ongoing spreadsheet of all the siblings we need to make sure get in?