February 4, 2022
Save the date for the ECE Art Show! Thursday, February 24th 6-7pm in the Swigert Lobby Come look at your ECE student’s art work. It is the culmination of their How We Express Ourselves unit. Open house style. Masks required.…Continue Reading
January 26, 2022
Wednesday, February 9 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM MST Do you have a child, family member, or student that struggles to read, write, spell, or memorize math facts? Is homework a battle? Does the child complain about going to school? If so,…Continue Reading
January 26, 2022
Please Join Us for Our Introductory Planting Seeds Meeting! Planting Seeds Committee MeetingThursday, February 10, 20226:00-7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89414547977?pwd=Wkg4MXR5SXJmOHVqTjY4cC9jWnN6UT09 Meeting ID: 894 1454 7977Passcode: j95mWp The Planting Seeds Committee is a group of Swigert parents, caregivers, and staff…Continue Reading
January 25, 2022
The PTA is excited to host a Winter Warm Up event! Please join us on Saturday, February 5th at 9:30 on the school playground and grab a cup of hot chocolate and say “hi” to fellow Swigert Families! We hope…Continue Reading
January 25, 2022
As we look ahead at possible snow tomorrow, we’d like to make sure everyone knows about DPS’ winter weather policy especially as it relates to 2 hour delays. In an effort to increase student safety during winter months, Denver Public…Continue Reading
January 12, 2022
Because of the shift in DPS guidelines for gathering, we are moving our inquiry and curiosity night to a virtual gathering on Friday, January 21st at 10am. Please join our IB Coordinator, Caroline Dane, and our GT Coordinator, Robin Bresnahan to explore the role inquiry and curiosity play in…Continue Reading
January 5, 2022
Looking for some great reads? Ms. S puts together fabulous book collections every month to get kids excited about themes or important topics! Check out all her collections HERE, especially the ones about Black History Month coming up in February. If…Continue Reading
December 2, 2021
We are excited to announce our first IN PERSON coffee talk. Join Ms. Dennis, Ms. Holcomb, and Ms. Mueller for a look at math at Swigert. Friday, December 10th 8:30-9:15 Coffee provided Please sign up here – https://forms.gle/q4XuRnDDRnwkBCtc7
November 24, 2021
Art Walk! If you are a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade family, we invite you to two nights of open house here at Swigert, to see your student’s artwork hanging in the halls. Sign up HERE!
November 9, 2021
Do you have questions about the new vaccine available to our 5-11 age kids? Zoom in with Swigert mom and doctor, Carla Torres-Zegarra. She will be facilitating a Q&A about the pediatric vaccine.She is a speaker for Children’s Hospital Colorado…Continue Reading