Denver Public Schools is working with the City of Denver and community partners to open community hubs. These hubs are a key part of our strategy. We understand that some students find it hard to learn because they are hungry, tired, hurt, sad, or have other basic needs. The hubs will provide services to address these needs. We know that families and communities work hard to care for their kids, so the hubs will also support family and community members. We will use research to guide how we provide services. With these supports, all students will have an equal chance to learn and thrive.
The Hubs opened in Fall of 2022 with six hubs. Every hub opened with people ready to listen to the needs of adults and children. Based on what hub staff learn, they will be able to connect adults and children to the best services. During the next year, and in future years, each hub will offer more services at its location. Local community members will help us choose which services to offer. If it is helpful for some services to be offered at school locations, we will do this as well. We will also move hub locations, if desired, based on community feedback.
As a Swigert family, we are served by the Near Northeast Area Hub located at Hallet Elementary School. Check out some of the services they provide below and check out more information here:
The Near Northeast Community Hub provides services to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of both adults and children, ensuring that all students have the equal opportunities to learn and thrive.
Services We Offer:
Assistance with Basic Needs
Help with Energy Bill Payments
GED Classes in Spanish and English
Early Literacy Classes (Family Language Program)
English and Spanish Classes
Citizenship Classes
Workforce Support
Financial Literacy Classes
Denver Health Mobile Clinic every Friday
Newcomer Identification and Placement
Visit us at:
Hallett Academy
2950 Jasmine St, Denver, CO 80207
Contact us: 720-423-1170