Breakfast is free for all students. All student are welcome to eat breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:55-8:10. Here is the breakfast menu:
You can bring a lunch from home (no restrictions on food) or your student can get hot lunch. They will tell their teacher each morning what lunch they have.
All students in DPS will have access to free school meals beginning this year thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All Program approved by Colorado voters. While meals will be provided for free to all DPS students, ALL families will still need to complete a form to ensure DPS gets full access to federal funding. Please see more details and fill out the form here.
The breakfast and lunch menus can be viewed at:
They can also be viewed on They have an app as well. Here is a pdf of the February lunch calendar:
Students will also have a snack recess, so please pack a snack or two. It is helpful is they are packed separately from the lunch box. We are not a nut free school, but certain classes are nut free based on the student population.
Special Dietary Concerns:
If your child has dietary concerns (allergies/intolerances), please note that the cafeteria cannot offer an alternative without the attached Meal Modification Form (MMF). Having the allergy on file does not work for the cafeteria. The MMF must be filled out and signed by a doctor.