Emily Pool

Community Liaison/Paraprofessional


Admin & Support Staff

I’ve been a part of the Swigert community since 2017. I began as a parent and volunteer, then joined the staff as our community liaison and paraprofessional. As the community liaison, my job is to facilitate great communication with our school family, keep the website and Facebook updated, run all the school tours, and add my magic to our hallways and all school events. I will also be supporting the 2nd grade team as a para this year.

I’ve been married to William for 16 years and have 4 awesome kiddos – Owen (13), Ellie (11), Miles (9), and Juniper (6). I’m also a dog mom to, Cooper the cutest little cavapoochon. Outside of school I am a huge crafter and enjoy knitting, crocheting, sewing, making shirts…you name it. I love to be creative!