Category: News & Events

Holiday Critical Needs

Are you looking for ways to give back? Please consider helping support Swigert families this holiday season! November 13th – 17th Swigert Food Drive There will be boxes outside all the classroom to put in your food items. November 13thContinue Reading

Thanksgiving Lunch

We’d love to invite you to Swigert for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, November 16th! If families want to eat together, parents should pull students with the later lunchtime to eat at the earlier time, with the exception of ECE. ECEersContinue Reading

Scholastic Book Fair!

Oct 24 – Oct 27 SWIGERT LIBRARY Welcome to Swigert’s Fall 2023 Book Fair! All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. We will be open before school and after school to purchase books! For all the details and to setContinue Reading

Join NDIZ Community Council

Join the NDIZ Community Council! Please help us create a richer education for our students through community involvement. We will meet the second week of each month, both in person and virtually, to: Discuss community issues Grow understanding of andContinue Reading

Color Run Details

What is the Color Run? A fun run around the field where students will run through color stations. By reaching a daily fundraising goal, they “earn” a color station for the FUN.  Where is the Color Run? The run willContinue Reading

Team Pippa & the BALD Eagles

You can be a hero for kids with cancer! Join us after school on October 2nd, for our 2nd annual Team Pippa & the BALD Eagles head shaving event! Pippa is in Mrs. Hopper’s first grade class and is currentlyContinue Reading

Principal Coffee

Join us for the first Principal Coffee of the year. This session will just be an open question and answer time with Mrs. Dennis and Emily Pool. Feel free to join us. Coffee provided! Friday, September 15th 8:20am, right afterContinue Reading

Welcome Breakfast

Summer Playdates

**DATE CHANGE FOR PLAYDATE** We have two summer playdates coming up on the playground. We have a sports camp using our campus and after checking it out today, I’m going to move the Saturday playdate to SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th. ThereContinue Reading

Grounds Clean Up Day!

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