Category: News & Events

K & 2nd Grade Music Concerts

The Kindergarten and 2nd grade concerts are coming soon!  The Kindergarteners will present “Musical Patterns” and the 2nd graders will present “Folktales” on Thursday, March 7. At 5:45 PM, Kindergarten students will meet in their classrooms. Their concert begins atContinue Reading

Discovery Link for ECE4!

Great news for incoming ECE4 families: we just received conformation that Discovery Link, Swigert’s before and after school care program, will be available this fall for ALL our students, ECE4 through 5th grade! I know this might impact your choiceContinue Reading

Swigert’s Got Talent!

Come join us to see all the amazing talents our Swigert student’s have!

Parents – Please complete BESS screening

Parents/Guardians/Caregivers:   Complete the Universal Mental Health Screening   You are invited and encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input on your student’s mental health and social emotional well being.   The BESS (Behavior and Emotional Screening System) is aContinue Reading

4th Grade Social Action Posters

Please join us for the opening of our Swigert art exhibit: 4th Grade Social Action Posters Stanley Marketplace: In the Walkway Above the Denver Biscuit Company 2501 Dallas St, Aurora, CO 80010 Wednesday, January 17, 2024  5:00 – 7:00 p.m.Continue Reading

Innovation Zone Information

Dear Swigert Families I am hosting an information session on Monday, December 11th at 5:00pm in the library to answer any questions around all things innovation- what does it mean to be an innovation school? What is an innovation zone?Continue Reading

Holiday Critical Needs

Are you looking for ways to give back? Please consider helping support Swigert families this holiday season! November 13th – 17th Swigert Food Drive There will be boxes outside all the classroom to put in your food items. November 13thContinue Reading

Thanksgiving Lunch

We’d love to invite you to Swigert for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, November 16th! If families want to eat together, parents should pull students with the later lunchtime to eat at the earlier time, with the exception of ECE. ECEersContinue Reading

Scholastic Book Fair!

Oct 24 – Oct 27 SWIGERT LIBRARY Welcome to Swigert’s Fall 2023 Book Fair! All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. We will be open before school and after school to purchase books! For all the details and to setContinue Reading

Join NDIZ Community Council

Join the NDIZ Community Council! Please help us create a richer education for our students through community involvement. We will meet the second week of each month, both in person and virtually, to: Discuss community issues Grow understanding of andContinue Reading

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