Category: News & Events

Field Day

Field Day has moved to this Friday, May 26th! Please ensure your child(ren) wear sneakers and weather-appropriate clothes for running. Please apply sunscreen to your child(ren) before the event, as well as ensuring they bring their water bottles to school. ECE willContinue Reading

School Supplies

We are pleased to announce that EPI School Supplies are now available to order for the 2023/2024 School Year! Why order school supplies online? Each kit contains exactly what your child’s teacher needs for next year, in the classroom. HaveContinue Reading

International Night | May 11th

When: Thursday, May 11th, 6-8pm Who: All Swigert students and families What: A celebration of our school diversity. A way to honor, celebrate, and learn about the diverse cultures represented at our school as well as share the harvest fromContinue Reading

Class Photos!

Class picture galleries are LIVE! You can order them directly from Bloom! Head to Scroll down a ways until you see the teal Spring 2023 Galleries. No need for your student number, just click through to your class toContinue Reading

A note from Mrs. Dennis | Safety at Swigert

**Here is the Safety presentation that was given on April 6th if you weren’t able to attend: SAFETY PRESENTATION Dear Swigert Families,  We know that recent events in Denver and other parts of the country have created a lot ofContinue Reading

ECE Information Night

Class Photo Day!

Class Picture Day is this Friday, April 7th! 

K, 1, 2 Art Show

Help Wanted!

The PTA is in need of a new School Supply Chair for the 2023-2024 school year! This is a great position for anyone interested in leading an important school initiative with light workload in the Spring (plus some organization hoursContinue Reading

DPSChoice Round 1 Extended

Full email from DPS: Round 1 SchoolChoice Window Extended to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21 The system that DPS uses to accept and process SchoolChoice applications, SchoolMint, experienced some technical issues and some families were unable to complete their SchoolChoiceContinue Reading

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