**Applications for ECE4 are due by February 3rd. Please make sure you have submitted your UPK and DPS School Choice forms by then. More details at the bottom of this page.**
Want to learn a little more about the ECE-4 program at Swigert? Here are some of our frequently asked questions.
Do you have ECE-3?
No we only have ECE-4.
Who is eligible for ECE-4?
Students who turn four years old on or before October 1 are eligible for ECE-4.
What are the hours of ECE-4?
ECE runs the same hours as our whole school 8:10-3:10. There is no option for half days.
How many ECE-4 Classrooms do you have?
We have 3 classrooms with 20 students, 1 teacher and 1 para-professional.
Do you have bussing or Discovery Link for ECE students?
Discovery Link, our before/after school programming is not available for students under 5 years of age. If your child turns 5 in their ECE year, they can start Discovery Link. Bussing services start in kindergarten unless your student has an older sibling.
How often does ECE-4 go outside?
ECE-4 goes outside for at least 90 minutes a day in non-inclement weather. This is usually done in 3 different recess times during the day.
Do ECE students take a nap?
Yes, ECE-4 students will be given the opportunity to rest, in a quiet, dim room, with soothing music playing. Quiet activities are permissible during this period and our teachers are wonderful at understanding the wide range of napping needs of this age group.
Do ECE students go on field trips?
Yes, our ECE classes typically go to DCPA, Balfour Senior Living, Denver Zoo, and possibly more depending on their units of study.
Where can I find more general info about ECE in DPS schools?
Samples of 4 of the ECE IB units:
Meet the team:
Those applying for ECE-4 must complete a Universal Preschool Colorado (UPK) application and a DPS SchoolChoice application, however, the school match will come from UPK. This is a change from the last several years when DPS made the matches.
For issues or questions with your UPK application:
UPK Help Desk: 303-866-5223 or email denverupk@dpp.org. Please refer to the Universal Preschool Guide for Families for more details on the enrollment process, the program, and more.
Families can pre-register with a known provider to continue care for a child currently enrolled, with a sibling currently enrolled, or with a family member currently employed with a Universal Preschool Provider. Families can apply here.
Family-to-Provider Matching Rounds
Families just starting their path to preschool can browse more than 2,000 high-quality licensed providers, see if they qualify for additional hours, select their top ten preferred programs to be matched, and submit an application from December 17 through March 3.
Direct Enrollment